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    Friday, December 28, 2007

    The year is comming to an end. 2007 has really been a real roller-coaster ride for me. So many things that has happend that make me wanna turn back time so that I can react to the situations differntly. All in all it wasn't a really good year. A year that started brightly turned out to be a nightmare and I'm still slowly waking up from it. So many memories still linger and its just like a tatoo that can't be removed.

    2008 is just over the horizon. What will happend in the new year? Would my life finally fall back to place or would it continue to hang around like a jig-saw puzzle that dosen't fit? This are questions that I just can trust God in no matter what but its really difficult when it hurts so much. How can I then look to the new year with optimism when these memories are still so fresh?

    Guess the memories will always be there and all I can do is to hope the new year writes a different story line.


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