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    Sunday, August 30, 2009


    So our beloved country, Malaysia, turns 52 tomorrow with the government bringing in the 1Malaysia concept. Do we really need this? All of us has grown up in a multi-racial environment and why are racial tensions still there? Is it the influences from school, public, government or family that causes this? So with all the diversity on the outside but the racial tensions on the inside, does the slogan 'Malaysia, Truely Asia' fits? Just a little thought as we celebrate another year of independence.

    On a lighter note, being out of the country gave me the opportunity of what people think about us. You'll only know if we're good or bad when others comment on us. Just a few of it below. This are real comments and not something that I've made up to make us look good.

    1. 'Malaysians are really neat and tidy in their dressings' - HOD of the physio department
    2. 'I really admire the hygine and cleanliness of Malaysians' - a patient (wait till he goes to the streets of Chee Cheong Kai,lol)
    3. 'Malaysian food is really really awesome!!!'- a local student who has been to Malaysia
    4. 'Malaysians are really friendly and polite'- from patients and local people

    There was alo this few local students whom I think will win the best comment so far. So my friends and I were chatting over a meal together with them. The conversation follows below:

    Me: 'Speaking in english with one of the others'
    Local dude: Hey, why don't you all speak to each other in your language?
    Me: Local language? What local language?
    Local dude: Yeah man, like Malaysian language.
    Me: LOL!!!

    Yeap...after awhile I finally realised what he meant was Bahasa Malaysia as the 'Malaysian language'. So I had to explain to him that BM was only our official language on paper and we speak any other languages with each other. Another thing is the locals really do think I'm from either China or Tibet. Really have to explain to them that I'm a Malaysian-Chinese and a pure Malaysian, nothing to do with China.

    To just a few that I've experienced here, on the outside people do see us as one. So are we like this on the inside also? Blessed Merdeka all!!!


    Anonymous C h r i s t -i n-[m]e said...

    nice blog post, this one! ;) blessed merdeka to u!

    2:02 AM  
    Blogger aArOn said...

    Thanks thanks!!! =)
    Sudenly felt partiotic only when out of the country...=S

    1:13 AM  
    Blogger aArOn said...

    Thanks thanks!!! =)
    Sudenly felt partiotic only when out of the country...=S

    1:13 AM  

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