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    Saturday, September 23, 2006

    Hey hey!! Just came back from the play 'Walk His Trail'. Really touching play about the life of 5 missionaries who went into Ecuador to speard the gospel to the Auca Indians who later killed them. These 5 young men are Jim Elliot, Pete Fleming, Ed McCully, Nate Saint and Roger Youderian. 5 young men at the prime of thier lives, married with wonderful God-frearing wives gave up thier lives for the gospel to be shared to this Auca Indians and be martyred by those they were trying to share the gospel to. But by thier boldness and zeal for the gospel to be shared, the Auca Indians eventually accepted the gospel by the widows of this great men who continued this work in this people. Indeed God works in many many great ways and how wonderful to see the lives of this 5 men did not go to waste. Many people perusaded them to go back to the States to do mission work where it's safer but they rejected and push ahead to reach the unreached. This brings my mind back to Friday at CF when Mr.Kit spoke on his life testimony. Are we always complaining to God when things go wrong? Is this where I'm suppose to be studying/working? Am I just studying for grade so that I can get a good job and earn a handsome salary? He shared from Psalm 1,2,3. Psalm 3 is a psalm writting by King David when he was being chase by his son Absolom. In his troubles with enemies all around his he still could praise God and feel the peace around him. He could even lay his head down to sleep for he knows that God is with him (Psalms 3:5) . Are we students like David when troubles comes for example exams? I admit for me I will panic my butt off rushing last minute to gather all information I can before my paper and feel really nervous in the exam hall. So are we really studying just for grades? The answer is that we should not just study just for grades but for the glory of God and His plan for us. If we just study for grades we will go crazy sooner or later. But as we study for God, we do the best we can put God into our studies, then there is a meaning for our lives. Of cause all of us wants to get an 'A', but what if we get a B,C or even a D? Do we question God? This is just some questions that stick with me after CF. Its really hard to put this in practise but by the grace of God I will try. Guess there are things to ponder and think about. Gotta get to bed also. Nitez everybody! God bless. =)

    "Wherever you are, be all there. Live to the hilt every situation that you believe to be the will of God." - Jim Elliot


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